Added on by Cole Pierce.

A single-evening exposition of artifacts, recordings & mixes, fine apparel and elegant conduct.

Friday, May 10
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Elastic Arts Foundation
2830 N. Milwaukee Ave.

Andrea Jablonski. Bruce Neal. Chris Hefner. Cole Pierce. Cinchel (Jason Shanley). EC Brown. George John Larson. Jake Myers. Jon Bollo. Michelle Harris. Pleasant Group (Erik Wenzel). Stephanie Burke+Jeriah Hildwine+Ryan Peter Miller.

ASCII (Archeospiritist Study and Consortion Initiative, Illinois) is an event where participants are entrusted to uphold the following principal specifications: 

  1. An edition of artifacts shall be created, to be distributed freely.
  2. Artifacts shall commit an arrangement of recordings.
  3. Participants shall proclaim their own specifications, to enrich the ASCII specification body.
  4. Attire shall always be elegant. 
Moreover, there are candidate specifications, including the following:

    ...Participants shall consummate their edition with a 10-minute reverie during the ASCII event...

Consequently, a/v escapades, both live and pre-recorded, begin at 7:30 p.m.

More information: